She wove herself a pretty web
So evil and precise,
With only one thing to pursue
It was everything but nice.
She stood in wait...

One by one.
Enchanted by the silkiness
Her web song had begun.
She sang her tune
Heard near and far,
A haunting mystique it told.
Entranced they approached
Unbeknown to them
Misfortune would unfold.
She drew them near and
Held them tight,
Glared them in the eye.
Eyes stared back with
Panic and fear,
For defenselessly,
They'd die.
She pierced them all with helplessness,
Without a qualm or care.

She then began her teadious task,
Entwining them with silky hair.
All neatly wrapped in an envelope
She spun them neat and tight.
She anticipated the next day to come
For she devoured them,
To her delight.
She weaves herself a pretty web
So evil and precise.
Before you come to visit her, should think twice.
Oh, I love it! Dark and well written! I plan to post mine very soon as well! =D
Thanks Sara, thought it was appropiate for the season!
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