He comes like a thief, in the night,
Robbing you of life itself.
Without a thought,
Or consciousness,
His ugly face is shown.
He shows no preference,
Of any kind,
To him, they're all the same.
Any gender, race or age,
He just picks the day.
He leaves the rest,
With emptiness,
Aches that never cease.
He contemplates who is next,
He has to fill his need.
We sit and wait, for we know
Our time is sure to come.
He has your name,
He knows your move,
There is no where to run.
So live each day as your last,
For this could be so true.
He lurks in silence,
In the dark,
Just waiting to call on you.

This is amazingly good! I've always thought you had a talent, but this is my all time favorite! Awesomeness...
Good write..
I think of death as a gentle angel...
but this reflects the other voice
This fits with my current WIP "Death Knows My Name" I loved your poem!
Nice job, sister!
Funny that I should stumble on this poem, found you through your daughter's blog.
I've thought a lot about death lately. That it has no prejudice, that it strikes when it wants, that it's one thing in life we have no choice over.
Of course we can bid death to come to us early by taking our own life but who wants to do that.
We can even change a birthdate by caesarean section but we cannot change a death date.
Ummm. Gave me something to think about. Enjoyed reading this, very good work.
Blessings, Barb
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