Thursday, October 9, 2014

New Year

You make your grand entrance into our lives,
At midnight every year.
We hold steadfast with glass in hand,
Ready to kiss someone dear.

The timely countdown has begun,
Slowly from ten to one.....
With hopes, dreams and promises
We yearn soon, to come.

It's somewhat sad to see you go,
But, truly I am glad,
I'll leave behind the memories,
Most of them, happy ones,
Yet, some of them were sad.

Some I'll choose to remember,
Some I will forget,
Some were filled with laughter or tears,
Some held regret.

The moment is upon us now,
The time is drawing near,
So raise your glass, hold it high,
Join me in this cheer;

Let's say 
To the old,
To our 
"New Year"