Dream Maker came
Along in the night,
While in the midst of
Sweet Twilight.
Crescent moon was shining,
Stars twinkled up above;
I was bestowed a dream,
That which of love.
I closed my eyes,
Without thought or fear.
Sweet seduction invoked me,
Drew me near.
Warmth of emotion,
Surrounding, without sound
Complete fulfillment,
Pleasure all around.
All life's glories,
Secrets galore,
One couldn't ask
For anything more.
Dream Maker nudged again!
Gently in my sleep,
With the promise....that my dreams
Were forever mine to keep.
I knew I must awaken,
Knew it must be soon.
When my eyes did open;
Twinkling stars greeted me,
Along with crescent moon.
I anxiously await,
In the evening of the night
For Dream Maker to come,
In the midst of Sweet Twilight.