My daughters have been my joy, my life,
Without them; I just couldn't conceive.

The countless memories we have made,
Some you wouldn't believe.
They're each unique in their own way,
With likes and styles of their own.
The only thing we all have in common,
Is together, we make up our home.
Anna Rose, the first of four,
Compassionate and so true.
She has her first daughter, Chloe,
Without them, life would be blue.
Elizabeth, was number two,
Fearless and spirit free.
Mom to Grahm, our first grandson,
Both mean the world to me.
Kimberly, was third to arrive,
An artist, who loves to create.
She recently was married,
To her love and high school mate.
Sara, our fourth and our last,
So full of words and sweet.
Continually writing to her hearts content,
With her, our families complete.
I've been so blessed with these children of mine,

They've brought me such joy and love.
I can't imagine a day without them,
They're truly God's gift from above.
To my precious daughters,
whom I love and adore.
Anna Rose
Elizabeth Irene
Kimberly Dee
Sara Donelle