Every step I take, puts me
One step farther from where I was,
And one step closer,
To where I am going.
I won't look back with regret,
But, I will look forward,
With the promise,
And the belief,
That I will attain my purpose.
I will walk with
Faith, hope and
The knowledge,
That I never walk alone.
Dedicated to my dear friends, Helen & Andy Schmid. Both, are retired school teachers, both who have and are battling cancer. Helen's year of retirement found her with a battle against breast cancer which she has won. This November, found Andy with bladder cancer, he is in the starting stage of his battle and has undergone two surgeries thus far, with more surgeries and treatments to follow. They have both been retired for less than, I believe, three years. They are both amazing people and I feel blessed to call them my friends. I was humbled by Andy's posting of this poem in his journal that he is keeping through a site called Caring Bridge, we are able to receive updates as he goes through this journey.
Following are his words.
"A very special poem from a very special friend. Thanks Gladys, you're one of a kind!"
Gladys is my nickname picked up from one of their famous Christmas parties. Please say a prayer for them both as they go through this courageously and with the support of many family and friends, as I stated, " That I never walk alone."